Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How to get funded[zt]

by KboringAs you all must read the President's 2007 budget proposal already, it is clear that federal funding is dropping in all areas except homeland security will continue the same trend until this government finishes its job. I am sure that most of you must be very busy in writing new grants or competitive renewal. However, do we have any tricks to share in addition to simply write more grants?

Under explored funding resource?
New programs?
Study section atmosphere?
How to write a "convincing" grant?
Rebattal for grants?
Hiring or laying off

et al....

plantcell wrote
I believe it is time to help each others.

In order to get grants> here are serveral suggestions:

1. good sciences:
2. grant-ship: discuss with PI's have a high successful rate to get grants, grant reviewer's , etc.
3. Estabilish personal network: attending conferences, communicating with the leaders in your field, inviting them to your institutes, etc.

送交者: yipin 2006年2月14日14:42:42 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com

I have shared this story with many friends. My postdoc. advisor was a very famous guy. One of his glorious records was that all his grant proposals were fully funded since he was a postdoc.

Caltech "bought" him from MIT with multi-million lab funding and equipped him with a very experienced secretary. One early morning I walked into the lab, the secretary was so excited: "...You know what, I have been on this job for more than 20 years and typed many grant proposals. For the first time I know what you researchers are doing! I typed this proposal this morning and I understood every part of it!"

I thought that was one reason why he was so successful in getting grants. His proposals always use short sentences and simple words, and express ideas in the most.

送交者: kboring 2006年2月14日12:31:59

In my own experience, current study sections are very resistant to give the funding to new investigators. In fact, three NIH study sections, which are under my radar screen, have 0-5% funding rate for them, while average payline is still more than 10%! I don't know how those guys could even survive.

In a small group discussion, I heard such comments: Well, it is tough time, so why don't we kill them now and they will be killed later anyhow.

Slk wrote
Networking is absolutely first priority, but it takes time to build up. As a young faculty, what can you do in the grant?

1, Preliminary data. Critical. If you dont have enough evidence to demonstrate the feasibility of your proposal, who is going to believe it?
2, Paper. How could you demonstrate your productivity, independence, and matched background for the grant?
3, Previous funding. You need funding to get your senior authorship, and qualified credential.
4, Good writing. No one will pay (deserved) attention to a bad-written proposal. Keep in mind, you will get hundreds of thousands dollars just for those fewer than 100 pieces paper. Why not pay more attention to the detail?


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